5 Reasons ACOTAR is worth the hype

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This series changed my life. Period.

I mean that. For real. Not even remotely an exaggeration. The ACOTAR series is absolutely worth the hype!

Before I go deep into why this book IS worth the hype, I want to preface it by sharing that before I read ACOTAR, I was NOT a fantasy reader. Like… I legit avoided this genre at all costs. 

Don’t get me wrong- I attempted many a times to read Harry Potter, Twilight, and Hunger Games. But I always struggled with getting into them. I would constantly fall asleep, or just flat out be confused AF because… wtf is a Gryphon? Or a Barque? Or a mage light? 

Call me illiterate but I had to look these up once I actually got into fantasy books. And those are the easy ones lol (When I told my boyfriend how the “gryphons” took over in a particular book that I shall keep to myself to refrain from a minor spoiler, he looked at me like i was crazy for not knowing what they are! Also… how DARE I pronounce it “Grye-fon” and not “grif-on” smh) 

I decided to buddy read A Court of Thorns and Roses with my sister back in August 2023 (shout out to Alli, she’s my best friend of all time), and it was so incredible that I am now an avid Fantasy reader and fan! I owned 0 fantasy books before this series, and now I currently own over 50. So let’s get into it, shall we?

5 reasons ACOTAR *is* worth the hype

#1. It’s a true “gateway drug” to the fantasy genre.

Mhm. I said what I said. The number of fellow bookstagrammers and readers that I have connected with over this very statement? I’ve stopped counting at this point. Yes, the first half of ACOTAR is slow, but it’s still interesting enough. The last half though?! I stopped breathing lol

If you are like me and you enjoy mystery and psychological thriller books, the last half of this book will FUEL you. It is so intense and crazy…Just think of the Saw movies. If the Saw movies and Hunger Games joined forces, you have the second half of ACOTAR. It is SO WILD! And you will NOT be able to put it down!

The first book ends with one of the biggest cliff hangers I have ever come by and BOOM. You’re officially sucked in.

Aka. The non-fantasy readers Gateway drug into Fantasy/ Romantasy. You’re welcome. 

#2. It’s easy to read for non-fantasy readers

Honestly? If you like Beauty and the Beast, you’ll like this book because it actually is derived from that story. Atleast starting out (hehe).  If you enjoyed the Saw movies, you will also enjoy this series as it has a lot of elements of… let’s just say “puzzles” and a bit of torture that comes with those. (Trigger warning: yes there are elements of torture within this series)

If you are, in fact, a fantasy reader yourself, you might be thinking, “Okay this seems like a blog specific to convince non fantasy readers? But I already am so whats the point?”

 Hear me out: if you ARE a fantasy reader already, this is a book you will FLY through for that same reason I believe it’s easy for non-fantasy readers.

Easy world building, great character development, and the writing is very very digestible. I would compare it like this: The Hobbit verses Lord of the Rings. 

The Hobbit is easy, more straight forward and light hearted writing while Lord of the Rings is more complex with slightly more complicated world building and side stories/character development.


#3. You will fall in love with the characters

In book 1, you will specifically fall in love with 2 main characters and absolutely LOATHE one in particular. You’ll have to find out for yourself who that person is (ayyyye, see what I did there?)

Once you get to book 2? You’re gonna start uncovering one of the best “found family” trope experiences in a book that exists. Think Harry Potter. EVERYONE fell in love with multiple characters in addition to the world and all the experiences within it. It’s why we see so many people strutting which house they belong to, which character they feel most connected to, etc. 

Same for this book series. I’ve never ever felt more emotionally drawn to a set of fictional characters the way I do with ACOTAR. When you get to book 2, you’ll officially be drawn in and want to be a part of the Inner Circle. 

Rhys has officially ruined the standard for men. I never understood the hype behind fellow readers who became obsessed with a fictional character but now I am officially in love with, you guessed it:  a fictional man. 

That man is Rhysand. You’ve been warned. (Although, Cassian and Azriel are quite intriguing to say the least. IYKYK)

#4. This series will bring up emotions you forgot you had.

What I mean by this is: you will experience joy, excitement, grief, anticipation unlike anything you’ve ever known, pleasure (yes… THAT kind of pleasure lol), sadness, anger, the list goes on.

I’ve cried so many times through out each book. I’ve experienced that feeling of *truly* falling in love while reading ACOMAF (book 2). I’ve laughed. I’ve thrown the book. I’ve gasped. My love life is better (this book has a lottttt of spicy scenes lol)

I have so much respect for an author who does so well with not only writing, but building character development that captures you to be so emotionally invested, you feel every thing they go through. That is incredible to me. 

Sarah J Maas is also known for keeping a steady pace during the first half of her books and then completely breaking you during the last half. The last 20%? Forget about breathing because you’ll be holding your breath for those last several chapters. Mark my word!

#5. The conversations you will have from this day forward 

Here’s the thing… I had NO idea that so many of my friends and family had already read this series until I started sharing my reading experiences, thoughts and opinions etc about ACOTAR on my social media. It has sparked some of the most fun conversations I have had in a while. 

Let’s be honest here…. we are currently experiencing some crazy ass stuff in the world right now. And to connect over a series like this is such a breath of fresh air. 

Being able to share big moments, who your fav character is, your theories, etc.

I’ve made dozens of new friends who love to talk about this series as well. And trust me when I say…once you get to the 2nd book…when you recommend this series to your own circle of friends and family, it is SO MUCH FUN to see their reactions regarding the first book. (There is a major twist and oof. It’s so fun to remember your own first read through of it knowing what you *now know* after reading the first 2 books)

I mean’t it when I said that the ACOTAR series has changed my life. I’m not the same person I was a year ago.

My vocabulary has expanded. I get to live out incredible fantasy worlds. I learn about new fantasy lore. I now am a major fan of fantasy books which I never thought would happen. My anxiety has dwindled down significantly…

I’ll leave you with some last words of wisdom:



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About the author

Well hey there! I'm Amber, a makeup artist turned full time content creator and bookstagrammer. Here to help you discover the best books, movies/shows, and life experiences, while sharing tips on monetizing your passions and personal growth. I struggle with ADHD and being multi passionate, so this blog is my outlet to show the world that it IS possible to make a living as a neurodivergent who doesn't have a traditional niche.