From Procrastination to Publication: My Blogging Journey Begins

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Have you ever put something off that you wanted to do? Something you have dreamed of doing for so long, and you would day dream of the day you actually made it happen?… But you overthink all the steps to get to that point, so you just don’t take any action?

Me too.

This very blog is one of the MANY things for me. And let me tell you… I have been putting this blog off for YEARS. 

But I’m done with the fear of showing up and being fully seen. I’m done with always wishing “gosh… if only I started my blog THEN, I bet it would be successful by NOW.” 

I used to be terrified to show up as my authentic self. That being a highly motivated yet multi-faceted entrepreneur. I am passionate about a lot of things, and I’ve always thought I would look crazy if I shared all of these passions. Embarrassed even. 

Well, I’m done with that. Done with being afraid to show up simply doing what I love. Showing up as my true authentic, chaotic and spontaneous self. Take it or leave it, peeps! I’m showin up whether ya like it or not! 

If you have a passion you want to pursue, and you’ve also struggled with this very thing… You’re not alone.

Let this be your reminder to go for it. Whatever it is you have always dreamed of doing… do it! I hate that I have let 7 years go by and never fully pursued this, and I kept thinking I was too late to the game. Don’t continue to do what I was doing.

Alright. Enough dwelling on the past… Let me share a bit about myself and get on with it.

It's time to celebrate moving forward onto bigger and better things.

A little bit about me

I’ve been a hair/makeup artist for over 15 years in TV/Film (oh yes, you WILL be hearing some stories from on set, just you wait ha!), also being a content creator for 8 years, and even do energy healing on the side. 

I’m a true multi-passionate person who struggles daily with ADHD. 

It’s what stopped me from actually starting this blog. 

The constant fear and embarrassment of wondering what people will think if I let them see the “real me” who literally does a million things.

I’m in my mid-thirties now (shout out to my fellow millennials!), and as I get older, I just don’t give a F*ck anymore. 

Did I mention that I tend to cuss? A lot. Well here’s your warning 🙂

What to expect from me and my blog

A major push for me to start this blog was my desire to share experiences in a fun and intimate way. I’ve been reading a lot and LOVE sharing the latest books I’ve read, or a new favorite TV show I’ve binge watched on Netflix.

I also love sharing my favorite makeup products, wellness hacks, or something I’ve learned about dealing with the struggles of anxiety, depression and ADHD.

I’m a total woo-woo girl, and sometimes I share new experiences when I feel called to. Don’t worry though, I won’t go too crazy 😀

Connecting with others through life experiences really brings joy to my soul. I hope you enjoy my content and will connect with me on social media!

Cheers to new endeavors!

Let’s connect on socials!

IG: @honestamber
Youtbe: @honest_amber
Tiktok: @honestamber

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About the author

Well hey there! I'm Amber, a makeup artist turned full time content creator and bookstagrammer. Here to help you discover the best books, movies/shows, and life experiences, while sharing tips on monetizing your passions and personal growth. I struggle with ADHD and being multi passionate, so this blog is my outlet to show the world that it IS possible to make a living as a neurodivergent who doesn't have a traditional niche.